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Unsere Datenschutzerklärung


with regard to the processing of personal data


1.1. The privacy policy was developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian оссийской еden, ,the Federal еLaw ным законом "On Personal ональныData" No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006, ,and other regulatory acts of the Russian Federation adopted for their execution, determine the procedure for the processing of personal data and measures to ensure the safety of the pants of the сона pearls.данных,которыеИндивидуальн ый предпринимателGENNADIANA can get about the User using a website located by a permanent URL: -адресу: https://proflike.com for the purpose of protecting the rights and free д челof person and the citizen when processing his personal data, tt. h. protection of the rights to the inviolability of private life, personal and family secrets.
1.2. The privacy policy applies to the processing of п еRussian data of the Userя, regardless of от its меarticleонахождения , it is a stay collected by ыхthe Operator with the help of active or passive means, using the information and telecommunication о-телекоммуникационной network of public use " Internet " ".
1.3. To get access to the information site from and use it for the purpose of the User has the same time on ько по the other time of the order of the voluntary provision of a specific, subject, informing, consciously and one-exquisite consent to the processing of his personal data on the conditions defined in the ПLithic of литикеConfficiency., предоставленного по своей воле и в собственныхинтересах.
1.4. In case of consent to the processing of personal data on the terms set forth in the Privacy Policy, the User is obliged to inform the Operator of the method established on the website.м.
1.5. ЕIf the User is not consistent with the processing of his per data сональ on the terms set forth in Polistics of the privacy, денциальности, the Operator will urge т such a User to refrain from using the website, , так как as it involves етthe processing of his personal data in accordance with the Policy of ойConfici denialityци а..
1.6. By accoming to the Privacy Policy льностиand providing its consent to the processing of reference data, the Operator proceeds from the fact that the User has previously familiar with the text According to the Lithic of конфиденциConfidentiality, , personal and нныедостоверны faithfully belong to him, ему, are provided in the current day of the socket, ,the User has адаbeen fully available и соглашается с обработкой его персональных д анных на ус.are in the Privacy Policy..
1.7. If ль you have the good вол volns, in their own accord and in their own interests, gives its to the кspecific, subject, informed, with a well-known and unambiguous consent to the processing of his personal data on the terms provided by the Lithics of Confidentiality, , in accordance with the law законодате with the стRussian Federation, understands and понимает agrees with all всемиthe consequencesми последствиямитаких действий, предварите. be with your rights and obligations as a subject of personal data.
1.8. In the case of whether the User is a thel with цомa horn of the early иченной legal остьюcapacity, the Operator proceeds from the fact that the consent to the redress of personal data is left to present it with a legal pie, елемwho has fully familiar acquainted and accepted словияthe redress of personal data in the policy of confisde конфиде.альности, и имеет для этого достаточно полномочий.
1.9. For the purposes of application and creation кования ПолPolicies of Confidation денциConfidition, the Operator uses the following basic terms (if in those directly те прямо нnowhere is otherwise).. These terms may be used ы вin the other уг plow, in a single or nislative number, with a small or more оletter, or in the form of сокращений abbrehsements:
1.9.1. "A and vetomatized processing of personal data" - the processing of personal data with the help of means of calculation of equipment.
1.9.2. ""Blocking локирование перfrom it is a glibbing" - temporary discontinuation of сонаthe processing of foot-data data (by identisolation if the recoil is necessary to clarify personal data).
1.9.3. "In Вthe ba-site" - a set of programs for computers, databases, g ragic, рафическихaudis иовизof the United and informative form of the materials contained in the information system, access to which is рой provided by the network "Internet", located at a permanent URL address: https://proflike.com, вклin the yawning everything at the top of the domainзанного домена, как действующие, так и ввод имые в экс.during the entire period of its validity, the pages emanating from him ("Lendings").
1.9.4. " And the information system of personnel data" - a set of personal data in the databases, , and informing ечивающthem about the work of informational ионных теthose techniques and technical means.
1.9.5. " Disgracedation of the person's fixed data " - actions that езультате которыcannot be determined without the use of additional information the affiliation of personal data cate, by етthe person of the льзоватperson using ному субъекту персональнthe person's personal data.
1.9.6. " Processing of personal data " - any action (operaоперац) or the combination of actions (operations) made using means of automation or notwithstanding such means with personal ныdata, as a clusing collection, recording, system of identity, accumulation, storage, clarification (renewal, and зменениеchange), and useзвлече, useие, передачу (ра спространение, предоставление, доступ), обезличивание, блокирование.Personal data.ых.
1.9.7. "Опер"Operator" - Individual ьны entrepreneur BENT SVETLANA GENNADIEVNA
(OGRN ОГРН: 324774600203756 ; TIN: 7 7 1 8 8 8 6 6 5 3 0).
1.9.8. "Personal data" - any information ац c and me, which is directly or indirectly related to the limiting and determined User.. "Personal данныеdata permitted by the personal data subject for distribution" - personal data, will reach an unlimited number of persons to whom преthe subject has been delivered by the subject of personal data by giving consent to the processing of personal data authorized by the subject перс of personal data allowed by the subject of the fixed data for distribution in order, presumption by the Foreign ФедLaw No.от 27.07.2006" О персональных данных".
1.9.10. "On the benefit оватеof the "" ("The subject of personal data") - any physical ическperson who has full legal capacity, or a representative of акa person ( whose representative of the person has a person who физического лица, которыйhas a sufficient amount of rights and by the creed necessary to call and perform the Dougar on the name and in the interests of the person.,и предоставил свое согласие на обработку его персональных данных.
1.9.11. "Premission of реpersonal data" - actions sent to ленные на disclose personal data to the опderetvement person or to a certain person.
1.9.12. "Dissemination of ение пreference data" - any decisions sent to the disclosure of personal data non-referred to еленноthe circle of persons (transfer of personal data) or to the ooz with накомлениеthe personal data of the unregulated circle of persons, including the rebirth of personal data of personal data in the media.и, размещение в информационно-телекоммуникационных сетях ил и предоставление доступа к персональным данным каким-либо и ным способ.
1.9.13. "Trans-border transmission of permanent data" - the transfer of personal data to the terriness of a foreign state to the body in the state of the foreign state, foreign physical or in и иносthe other legal entity.
1.9.14. "Disting personal персональныхdata" - any actions as a result of which personal data is caused irrevocably with the possible possibility of further restoration of the content of penal data in the information system of the penny льof the data and (or) muds of personal тожаются маdata and (or) muds are thermal carriers of personal data.
1.9.15. "Films of "cookie" - a small piece of data (in the v. h. text files) have shipd the website servers and stored on the User's computer that the web client or web browser sends ждыйto the server in the website in the NTTR request when trying to open the corresponding page of the website. Cookies provide information about the User’s actions on the website and deem statistics from the website ..
1.10. иденциалThe policy of confedination qi-nifs may contain other terms not provided for in нные this section, , in connection with which the interpretation of such a term is carried out in accordance with the закeducatio of the омRussian Federation and, and in the case of a lack of unambiguity of the definition, in accordance with the customs of business turnover or scientific doctrine. .
1.11. Legal вовbasis for the processing of personal data анных: Constitution of the Russian Federation ; Civil Code of the Russian Federation ; Federal Law of the Russian Federation ации No. 152-FZ of 22.07.2 .2006 "On Personal Data"; No. 149-FZ of 27.07.2006 "On Information, Information Technologies and on Safety of те информац Information";№38-ФЗ от 13.03.2006"О рекламе"; Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации1119 of 01.11.2012 No . 1119 of 01.11.2012 "About approval of requirements to protect personal data when processing them in the information фоof the information with the systems of personal ых" data"; No. 6 of 87 of 15.09.2 008 "About claim of the Regulations on the scope of processing of Persian data carried out without the use of means of automation" ; Order FESTEC of the Russian Federation No. 21 of 18.02."Об у тверждении Состава и содержания организацио2013 "Aboutand their measures to protect сти персональных данных при их обработке в инфо personal data in informational systems (EРе) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union ропейско "On the protection of individuals in respect of шpersonal data collection and on the use of personal data and on the free removal of such data, as well as on the revocation of the United Nations "On the protection of individuals in relation to the collection of personal data and on the free removal of such data, as well as on the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC ; Иные принятые нормативно-правовые акты законодательства Российской Федcheck-in, в сфере сбора, оbrab откиand protection of personal data; ; Public ичнаoffer; ПоPool of the privacy policy on the " cookie " cookie; ;Consent to the processing of personal data; ; Consent to send notifications of rivers of informational nature..
2.1. The Privacy Policy ностиestablishes the obligations of the Operator on non-disclosure нию and ensuring the protection of the confidentiality of personal data, which the User provides in connection with the use of the website, ,as well as же the foundations, реfirst, endemus, timing, methods, principles, procedure and conditions on processing and storage of нения personal data, анных Пользователяrights and obligations of the parties, the procedure for obtaining consent and withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data.
2.2. The operator when you are selected ткfor the person's data даof the User льзователя provides complete confidentiality with personal ть персональ ных data ыхand compliance with та новленных the requirements of the Russian Federation.


3.1. Personal data allowed for processing in the framework of the Privacy Policy иденциальностand, delivered достав ляются Пby the Il if I am filled with special forms on the website, and иinclude ают в the following information:
фFamilia, name, patronymic;;
and e-mail dres;;
to the ontact phone ((mobile);
data of accounts in social networks and mescenters;
history of internal balance operations;
Login and password to the account.
3.2. АвтоматичеAutomatically transferable data: cookies "cooking ", ,automatic (anonymous) data from the services of no-statistics нет-статистики ("I am not x Metrik"), , unique data on the equipment (IP, MAC, ICCID addresses, information about the type of operating system of the device and browser, ,technical characteristics of the equipment and software. чения, дата и время использования веб-сайта, реферер (адрес предыдущей страницы).
3.3. For the purpose of the User's entury information and received from him with с оthe public, the Operator places a notification on the website of the following nature: " We use cookies for the fast and convenient operation of the site. Continuing the navigation on the site, you allow them to be used and give your consent to the processing of cookies. ".
3.4. The benefits елof baud can же change the settings of your browser in any time so им образом,that all " from сcookies" are blocked, or that the notification of their sending is carried out. At the same time, the User must understand that in this case , ,some functions and servic er веб - сy ta can таstop functioning or start working correctly.
3.5. ДляTo achieve the purposes of processing the penal data specified in the Privacy Policyконфиденциальност, the Official and the Operator has the right to transfer personal data to the listed below third parties, as well as иныto third третьи parties, in compliance with the requirements of the Nomination of the Russian Federation: едерации:
3.5.1. LLC "" Yandex " ((OGRN: 1027700229193 ; TIN: 7736207543 ; address: 119021 119021, g. Moscow, st. Lev Tolstoy, d. 16).). Yandex Metrica – web analytics service . Politis ka денциальностconfindentials and оп plub and forged on в сети "the Internet by по пa permanent URL -адресу: https://yand ex.ru/confidential /..
3.6. The operator does not work on personal data allowed for distribution, biometric peroil data and special categories of personal data relating to рthe different, ,national affiliation, ти, politically, ихreligious or philosophical beliefs, the status of health, intimate life, ниinformation about the utiquity of the utensils..
4.1. Methods ыof processing personal data: automating анная the work of personal data ых using the VM , with the receipt and (or) transfer of received data with the help of the network "Intnet", ернет"or without the use of means of automation: ацииcollection, registration, systemization, accumulation, storage in the territory of the Russian Fed.ации до утраты правовых оснований обработки и в течение усnormative documents of the terms of preservation, , transfer (provision, access ), утto the conscending (renewal, change), utilization, use, depersonalization, blocking, desolation, derogation, desolation , insight, the wife жениof person's нальныхdata.
4.2. The processing of personal ednasанны.ля осуществляется Оператором законным способом, с помощью сети "Интернет" иинформационных систем персональных данных, с использованием средств автоматизации либо без использования средств автоматизац ии,втечен иесрока, необх одимого длядостижения и выполнения целей обработки персональных данных.
4.3. The operator stores permanent ных даdata with a limiting access for для a third of whether they are, including by creating different levels of access to к perp with data, , in the form of a person to determine ь the name of the name of the name. The user has the right to independently delete personal data about himself (where possible) with the help of the functionality of the website.


5.1. To the athetia of subjects, the participants and и персPersians are given::
Customers, potential customers and their representatives;
пWebsite user, веб-сайта,potent and пrepresentatives;
other пwebsitesте.
5.2. The operat processes personal data Pauloved ьзователfor the following purposes:
зa prison, senix, termination of the р rozal-legal treaty;а;
registration of зthe registration of the у service;;
about the work of the incas on на у the servant;;
payment for the cost of servants;;
and the identification of the payer and латежа latse.
To the communication and informing, ование, sending notifications of an advertising and information nature (by sending an e-mail by the address of the electronic mail according to the message of the electronic mail, with the help of a telephone call in a full format and (or) textual SMS SMSreporting , and (or) the elet of the electronic message in the message. тактному телефону (мобильному) в целяхисполнения своих обязательств в рамках заключеннthese contracts, promotional рекламны x or marketing operations, акций,punching ейit, competitions, , опросsurveys, sending and special offers, information and information овани яon разработкnew products and и informing about new services, ах, about the work to яimprove the quality of the provision of services, the convenience of using ования the website, the merchandise of the servicesя заказа на покуп ку услуг, обработкизаказа на покупку услуг, оплаты .and processing payment, , processing and executed and I am inquiries, sending other уведомлеnotifications, you are full of яother obligations under доthe duty , and таalso provided technical техническ ой, informational, other effective client for тской подharassation); );
For the establishment of a static and other research, on the basis of utiquitous data, providing a safe and convenient functionality for the use of the website, its эффективно effective display of information, ции,equipment твлени and (or) performance of functions, completeness and maintenance of functions , completeness and obligation of the rights assigned тейto the Operator на Оператора.ельством Российской Федерации, обеспечение доступа к услугам и выполнение иных обязательств.


6.1. The user добis a share of the goods, о, пon his own will and in their own interests , gives (provided i)т)Oppertoro his ру specific , substantive, informed, conscious and unambiguous agreement with the processing of his personal data by the ыOperator on the terms, условияхfrom the law in the policy of the Confidential and the politically, the next дующим способом: активацияспециального флажка ("чекбокса"): way.the sign is demeaned (na) and agreed with the Public offer and the Political й конфидConfidentiality, I give my согласиconsent to the processing of my personal даdata" in the control punch with кте пa special form on фо рмына вебthe website.. Указ виедля He has a edible force for the yards he has a edural идstrength from the written agreement.
6.2. The consent of the Beneel to the collection of personal data allowed for для распространенияdistribution is drawn separately from others with the consents to the work of penal соналdata and is пnot specified by стthe Oper ratre.ратору непоср едственно.
6.3. In the case of обwork and persons of the data allowed for ля распространенdistribution, the Operator observes the conditions and restrictions presumpted by Art. 10.1 The federal law о закона"On personal data" No. 1 52- FZ of 27.07.2006..


7.1. The treatment абоof personnel ьныхdata of the User is carried out only with the consent of the User to Пользователяthe consideration of his personal data, данных, предостаpre-entered in an established way and for и the purposes целяхdetermined by the Lithic литикоConfidentiality, taking into account the solutions, at the above, at the established стан law, it is given by the Russian Federation. Федерации.
7.2. In respect of personal ыхdata of анныхthe User , the information is retained full confidentialсть информации, except in cases of voluntary provision by Пользовthe User of the consent согласиto the work of personnel налdata, including those allowed to distribute to a неогрnon-fighting circle of persons, and the actual provision of personal data about himself.о себе.
7.3. According to the general rule, the Operator аторdoes not disclose to third parties and does not distribute the porn data without the consent and иI are the Polovz ьзовof the holder, in other cases , the Nation, the self-concealment еленных законодатеof the Russian ссийскFederation and the Policy of confidentiality, and in the case of the transfer of the fixed-winged law.нных третьим лицам, соблюд ает положения Политики конфиденциальности и принима ет меры к The secret of the personal льныхdan .х.
7.4. аторальныеПThe operator has the right to transfer personal data of Pz ovate to third parties in the following cases: Пthe User expressed his consent to the foreback of personal data; ыхthe transmission of персоpersonal data is necessary for для adecoming purpose to accompance her purpose, the еделеннpolitically transmitted to фиденциальthe individual data , and also выполнения Оператором своихтельст в перед Пользовfor the fulfillment of the purpose of the political.; the transfer of personal data is provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation; едерацииin order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Operator..
7.5. All the infraction that I am collected ется by other services, including интерн intn-e-big equipment, payment with the systems, means of communication and other service providers, is stored and brazed by the cumulators цами (optors) in ераторами) в соотaccordance with their rules and porks. The user is obliged with a аhurriedly остоят know the name of азаthe relevant documentation of third parties лиц (or other opera operators).оров).
7.6. The operator does not bear responsibility for the actions of third parties, who are about the perators and the ability to do so, the very stable processing of personal data (for and jux the ючеcase, and the Operator ерhas to correct such persons with лицам соответthe твcurrent instruction ние in the established order). ном порядке).
7.7. Processing of personal data According to the user body is organized Operators on the hincs:
7.7.1. For аthe horse, there are goals and methods about the work of personal data, conscientiousness and right д лto return to the Oper ero. The processing of penal dan ыy y y yog is ranked by the achievement of specific, ineam its specified and legitimate goals.It to frena of x, not in a capacity with the purposes of collecting personal ых дdata.
7.7.2. The верноcorrectness of the persona certainty х дан of the data, their supreability for the purpose of the treatment , the lack of тимоthe collection of personal data, from the household in relation to the goals stated when collecting personal data.
7.7.3. The collection and processing of the other is the other of those Persian data that meet the goals of their collection and about рthe work.и.
7.7.4. Compliance with the content and volume of the Persian data , , коwhich are collected and processed , the stated purposes of the processing. The redundancy of the processing of personal data пin relation to the stated goals of their обwork is not allowed.
7.7.5. We will not have the information of the innet инениdatabases данных,containing the pronous data, the processing of which акот is in сущестexistence for purposes incompatible between the battle.
7.7.6. When processing personal data, the accuracy of personal data is ensured, their sufficiency, and in the usual cases and the relevance of the current to the purposes of the processing of personal data. Operat the option рtakes нимает the same measures and/or both ensures their taking by deleting or pinnatal data or not. очных данных. ХThe damage of personal data is carried out in a form that allows the deposit of the Benegoer, no longer than it takes the purpose of processing personal data, if the retention period of personal data is not established by federal law, the contract of which, the owner of the entrepreneur е or guarantor, by which is the Polish-Later.зователь.
7.7.8. The батываемые battling personal data is negliged or depersonalize in reaching the objectives of the libation or in the event of a loss of no need to achieve these goals, unless otherwise provided by federal law.
7.8. ПNon-serial data are provided (editors) are not ср available to the т ПUser as a subject of personal data, or the person of the person designated by him in the manner prescribed by law by the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by federal and law a ми.i.
7.9. The user is an independent but decides on the introduction or failure to provide his personal data, and gives this this to their processing Operateau rum voluntarily and freely, at will and in his own интересrank.


8.1. The operator has the right to:
provide for the right to rest by the ьные д анные Поperson of the user, if эthis is provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation (tax, law enforcement ьнagencies);
refuse to provide information on or from the data provided by the legislation of the Russian ой ФедерFederation of teas;
use the person using the person using the User я without his consent, in the cases provided for by the Russian Federation legislation and to a justified extent;
receive from the User reliable information and (or) documents containing penulsilatch data;;
в in case of withdrawal by the person of consent to  the processing of personal data,  as well as, напраthe application (of a different appeal) with  the requirement ие to  terminate the processing of personal data данны, the Operator has the right to continue the processing of personal data without the consent of the Ployalt in the presence and grounds specified in  the Federal ал Law of the Russian Federation Российской Федерации"On Fixed Data" No 152-ФЗ о.;
саit is self-to-to-relief the composition and list of measures necessary and sufficient to ensure the fulfillment of the duties provided for by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Person's ьнData" of the Federation No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006 and adopted in accordance with it the norm in legal acts, unless otherwise provided by federal laws;
реRealize other rights brought to him by the Russian Federation.
8.2. Operator about the required from сme :
provide the User, at his request, information relating to the processing of his ornamental data;
organize the processing of personal data in the manner , prescribed by the current legislation in the Russian Federation;
to respond to appeals and requestions from сы Users and their legal exhibitors within 10 (seven) working days from о the application or receipt by the Operator of the User's leave or his пре presenter. This period may be extended, but not more than 5 (five) working days in the name of учае наthe Board by the Operator to the subject of personal data of the unsubsted notificationн, indicating the reasons for the extension of the period of delivery of the requested information;рмации;
to inform the authorized body for the protection of the rights of the entities of the Persians on the data at the request of this о body the necessary information in the current 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt of т the request. This period may be extended, but not more than for 5 (five) working days in the case of the Operator to the authorized еbody for the protection of the rights ав су бъof personal data of the reasoned notification with the reasons for the reasons for the reasons for the reasons for the extension of the period of provision of the requested information;;
publish or other information азоensure unlimited access to us in the current Privacy Policy циальностиin relation to the processing of work and personal data on each page of the website on which the collection of Russian data is collected;
provide each User with the opportunity to familiarise ениthe documents and mothers of alas containing his personal data, unless otherwise provided for a certificate of нthe Russian Federation;
to take legal, organizational and technical and other measures to protect personal data from the wrong or accidental ups of the dude, destruction, changes, blocking, copying, дpre-regting, distributed from с the data, as well as from other exequinting actions in relation to personal аdata;
stop the transfer (distribution, distribution, access) of permanent sleep data, stop processing and remove personal tribute in ыthe manner and cases, I will give to отthe Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006 "On Personal Data";;
perform other duties provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


9.1. The user has the right to:
to study учить within 10 (death) working days from the date of application information информconcerning the back of his personal dna, except for the cases provided for by federal laws, and in any case, within a period of not more than 15 (spots of the year) working days. The information is provided by the Federal ьзователю Operator in an accessible form, and they must not contain personal data relating to other Users , except for cases where there are legal grounds for disclosing such personal data. The list of information and the procedure for its receipt чени is established by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Personal Data" No. 1 52-Ф52-FZ of 27.07.2006 ;
require the Operator to deny his personal data, blocking or destruction if personal data is incomplete and, obsolete вшимand, inaid, illegally obtained or are not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, as well as to take legal measures to protect their rights;
require a list of their penal data processed by the Operator and information about the sources of their receipt;
receive information about the timing of the work of their personal data, including the timing of their storage;
demand notifications of all persons previously made unbelievable or incomplete personal data from the general, about all the в ни exceptions, changes or supplements;
put forward the condition of preliminary with the consent when processing personal data in as a whole of promoting goods, works and services on the market;
на withdrawal of consent to н а the processing of personal data,  as well as,  на  on the request for ебования о  termination of processing of personal альныхdata;;
brink into the authorized body for ган the protection of the rights of personal data balers traits or in of the Operator in the processing of his personal data;
to lick other rights granted to him by the Russian Federation.
9.2. User is ::
in case of a voluntary decision to transfer their personal data, to re-decret the personal data necessary to achieve the purpose of processing, as ые,well as, if necessary, to recomperate the reliability of personal data by presenting влеthe original documents; окументов;
inform the Opera to the Opera to clarify (update, change) of their personal data;;
perform other duties, considered by the nospons in the Russian Federation.


10.1. Cross-border data transfer means the transfer of data to third parties, р both in countries with an appropriate level of data protection, and does not refer to such кcountries. The necessary level of protection of personal data is provided by the Opera by the Tor by complying with the conditions specified in the Privacy Policy..
10.2. The operator before  the commencement of осуществления дея the activity of  the cross-border пере transfer of personal data is responsible to notify the authorized body for   the protection of the rights of субъекsubjects of personal data about  his intention to carry out a cross-border transfer of personal data (such a notification is given separately to notification т of the intention to  намеренииcarry еout the processing of personal dataд) and to ensure that foreign States are provided ию кот орогопредto the fact that foreign States, on the territory of the data.rights of subjects of personal лdata.
10.3. The operator before  the board and notification in the лномоченlawful about the gan for ган по  the protection of the rights of personal данныхdata subjects, about the ulach of т the corg in the mains of the foreign state, foreign cinnamic persons, foreign legal entities that plan to trance early transfer of personal data, corresponding to the state of medicineя.


11.1. ОпераOperators call for minors not to use the website, , а такжеand also not to provide any information about themselves, in connection with the use of йтаthe website, without the permission and teaching of дthe ed. The terms of use of the website, and the confidential policy, obliges parents or other legal representatives to both ensure constant йand direct control over all actions with воих нnon-Elmissions of е young children when using the website.
11.2. The Operator does not inconsisteniently about the work of personal data is not committed by the summer persons, without the consent of their legal representatives and demands to use использовать вthe exclusive to the non-site , but to ьpersons who have completed 18 years old. The responsibility for the actions of minors for use in the web, including the execution of orders and the submission of каких-либоany requests on the website, rests with the horse-contribution of such non-conservennials.ц.
11.3. The operator takes everything into the possible and зависящ dependent measures to avoid the use of the website by a minor етнимperson м without the consent of the legal pre-whiver, тавителяand, if the Operator, will be aware that he has received получил personal data of non-silent persons гоand without the consent of his legal delivery, the Opera will not take all measures чт обы обработка персональных данных несовершеннолетнего лица была.a.


12.1. The security of the Pers is given to the User, Пользователя, к which are processed by the Operator, is ensured чивается п by the implementation of legal, organizational and ионtechnical measures, the requirements of оди мых дthe requirements. 19 Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006 "On Personal Dual Dations" ых" and other norm of the law act in вthe Russian F.Pet on execution adopted for its implementation.
12.2. The operator ensures the safety and security of ть the User's personal data, takes all the benefits of the person's measures that exclude access to the penal data are not empowered by persons, in particular and , the use of the following methods ующих способоin:
12.2.1. Assessment of the effectiveness of measures to ensure the security of personal data before and а иthe promotion of such measures .
12.2.2. Detox of the facts of unauthorized access to personal information and the acceptance of the measures of their intimcation and the prevention of a repetition of the official кционированноhand.па.
12.2.3. Reinnewing personal data, modified or destroyed by unauthorized лед ствиеaccess to them.
12.2.4. The rules of access to personal data are processed in the information system of personal data, as well as the protection of the гre-arching and accounting of all actions performed with personal data in the information of the national ионно data of the information system of personal data..
12.2.5. Checks аin the contracts concluded by the Operator with third parties, points on the confidentiality of the confidentiality of the person's нdata and including еthem, if necessary, in such contracts..
12.2.6. Control over ьthe measures taken to ensure the security of personal data and the equal protection of information systems of personal data.
12.3. Third parties who have access to the personal ональdata of the Operator undertake to receive the necessary organizational and technical measures to ensure the confidentiality of such information on their personal device with which м устройстве, с the processing of personal data is being handled. данных.
12.4. Interaction with the Federal and Executive Authorities on ой власти поthe Processing and Protection of the нальнUser's Personal Data is carried out within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation .


13.1. The ureth and оother persons who have been admitted to them, who received a return to personal data, Пользовател I am obliged not to disclose and not to disclose the demand to ru the demand to rustand personal data to third parties without the consent of the User, unless otherwise provided by the federal ьнымand law a мlaw, and also take all possible measures for the purpose of the liver to печениprotect the penal data from unauthorized нaccess..
13.2. In case of establishing the fact of illegal or accidental transfer (provceion, dissechant, access), персональныa third of the persons who have led to the violations of the rights of the person of the person, so that such an incident was identified by the Operator, the authorized body пfor the protection of the rights of personal data subjects or other persons concerned , shall be notified of such an incident. уведомляет уп олномоченный орган по защите прав субъектов персональных данных:
13.2.1. ВWithin 24 (duck вадцатand four) hours in the incident, the alleged reasons, entailed an хinflection of the User's rights, and the alleged damage to the rights of the User, about the measures taken to the consequences of ледств the consequences of the relevant incident, , as well as provide information about whether the person authorized by the Author. взаимодействие с уполномоченным органом по защите прав Пользователя , по вопросам, связанным с выявленным инцидентом;
13.2.2. В тFor 72 (sevenes of two) чаo'cence on the results in the internal investigation of ования выявленthe revealed and the incident , and also provides information about the person of x, the actions of which were the reason н for the incident (if any).


14.1. The condition for the abolition of personal data processing may be the adebles to reach the purposes of the face of personal data, the expiration of the consent of the еUser's consent, the identification of the fact of the personal data processing, the elimination or reorganization of the Operator's consent may be the condition of the User.
14.2. The owner has the right at any time from calling his with the explanation for the processing of personal data in , the t. h. allowed for a disintegrationространения, , by submitting to the Operator a review in the form of an e-mail document to the e-mail address й п очты: [email protected] with ем the letter: "Revocation of consent to the processing of personal data"." . Consent of the User to наthe processing of personal data terminates its validity with the approval of the Operator.
14.3. In case аеof detection of personal personal data, the user бяhas updated зироватon their own, by submitting to Opero ru, the requirements for clarifying and personal data ных in the form of an electronic document to the document and the e-mail address : [email protected] with the topic of the list: :""Actualization of the data".ональных данных".
14.4. In case of detection of inaccurate personal data, the по тAccount's Employer's Requirement to Act to carry out the circus of personal data relating to the User, from the moment of whom the requirement and нthe period of verification, if the blocking of personal data ональных does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of the user or third третperson .
14.5. In case of confirmation of факта the inaccuracy of personal data, the Operator is obliged to clarify the personnel ьныеdata in the current 7 (seven) calendars дof the arn days from the date of the авления Пользователем unreached (relevated) personal data, and to remove the blocked рованand the first data of the User.
14.6. ЛThe utility who transferred to the Operator unreliable information about himself, or the information of дениanother subject of personal data without the consent of the latter, are of the law етственно in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
14.7. In the right of the остиpurpose of processing of permanent рсонал data, the Operator stops processing from personal data (or il and about termination) and the hum alsos the personal data (or ensures their unified) within a period not exceeding 30 (three) calendars from дthe date of achievement of the purpose of processing the person's data персон.х.
14.8. Personal data on electronic media is instructed ожаюby washing and (or) form of mediating, the nuance of ожение дdocuments (matrix media) containing personal data, is produced by means, making by means, ем сожcrushing (courage), chemically химического disintegration..
14.9. According to the results of the destruction of personal data, the Operator draws up an Act on оthe destruction of the data ых данных of the data and (or) provided and retains the unloading of events from the journal of the program of events in the information and system онной системе ((accounting or personnel program, ограммыcorporate website, веб-сайтаother similar software прfor computers).и иного источника сбора и хранения данных).
14.10. In the case of it, the wrong treatment of personal data is revealed, the Operator on time that does not превышаexceed 3 (three) calendar days from the day of detection of та the fact, is obliged to stop the improper processing of penulent data.
14.11. В случае,If it альных да is impossible to ensure the legality of the processing of personnel data, the Operator within a period not exceeding 10 (ten) kalen of the gift of their days from the date of detection of non-component равомеprocessing of personal data, it is obliged to destroy such personal нальdata. The чтожении Operator is obliged to notify the User Пользователяabout the elimination of the relevant violations or the juror that the personnel data should be notified.
14.12. The operator has the right to продолжcontinue and use personal data on the User as a result of consideration of the review of the consent for the processing of the Persians data by ensuring the dissengage of чsuch information in мацииcases of x, established by the Federal and law законa.мm .


15.1. The operator within е 3 0 (three тридцати) calendar days to it from со the date of receipt of the claim, in writing the applicant complains of the claimant about the results of her ее redress.рения. This ый сrock can be about длthe length, but not more than 1 5 (five to 1 ) by ) the calendar days in the event of the direction of Opero rom to рthe user's request motivated to have a missed domain with the indication of the reasons for the extension of the period of the time of providing a response to the claim.
15.2. In case of lack of agreement between the parties and, since then, is considered to the judicial body at the location of the Operator.


16.1. The privacy policy сти is dissolved раняе тся нwith all the rightness ношенbetween the Operator and the User in ов the field of collection, processing and protection of personal data анных and applies to all и всеof the information collected and processed personal data. ВIn this regard, the questions related to the collection and processing of fixed data, not reguliro baths of the Policies ойconfidentially and are allowed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in ерации the field of collection, сбора,scun and protection of personal data.
16.2. The policy of concide is valid иindefinitely, until the adoption of the command and ии the order. Changes (доп(additional) are subject to в the Privacy Policy in the possible change in volume, spam особа иand procedure for processing porn data, the emergence of new legislation and special regulatory documents on the treatment and the main ите п ерсонdata, and are based on the immeament directly неto the Privacy Policy with конфиденциальностиthe following publication. публикацией новой редакции и указанием даты публикации.