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the Contract of Reimbursable Services



    1. A public offer is an official public offer of the Individual Entrepreneur of BELYA SVETLANA GENNADIEVNA (hereinafter referred to as "The Contractor"), on the one hand, addressed to an unlimited circle of individuals with full legal capacity, as well as authorized representatives of legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer"), on the other hand, along with the names of the "Parties", and eachContract of payment of services (further on the text "Trestrict") on the following conditions.

    2. The conclusion of the Agreement is carried out at the time the visitor accepts the web site of the terms of the Public offer by making the Acceptance (para. 2 p. 437 of the Civil Code of the England Federation, p. 3 tbsp. 438 of the Civil Code of the England), as a result of which, the visitor (Censor) becomes a party to the Contract of reimbursable provision of services concluded with the Contractor. The acceptance is tantamount to the conclusion of a contract between the parties in a simple written form on the terms set forth in the Public offer, without signing a written copy thereof, which creates mutual rights and obligations for the parties, for the non-performance of which the responsibility established by law.

    3. "Acccept" - full and unconditional acceptance by the Customer of the conditions

      Public offer by performing one or more conclusive actions: 1) activation of a special flag ("checkbox") at the checkpoint of the special form on the website: "I am familiar with (on) and agrees (on) with the Public offer and Privacy Policy, I give my consent to the processing of my personal data"; 2) Registration on the website; 3) Registration of the Service Forms; 4) Full or partial

      5) Responsive counter-acts. These conclusive actions committed by the Customer individually or in aggregate have legal effect for the parties of his written consent to the conclusion of the Agreement.

    4. The current edition of the Public offer was published by the Seller on the web

      site in the "Public offer" section on the principles of round-the-clock and free access to it for any visitor. The website of the parties is understood as a set of programs for computers, databases, graphics, audiovisual and information materials contained in the information system, access to which is provided through the Internet, located at a permanent URL address: https://proflike.com, which includes all the levels of the specified domain, both operating and commissioned throughout its validity period, as well as pages coming from it..

    5. The acceptance confirms that the Customer has his own

      the will to conclude the Agreement, has previously read the provisions of the Public offer, fully and unconditionally accepts all the conditions contained in it in the form in which they are published on the website, without signing its written copy, understands the legal nature of the Agreement, its content and essential conditions, as well as the legal consequences of the conclusion.

    6. The order of acceptance confirms that the Customer got acquainted with the necessary and reliable information about the services provided, providing the possibility of their correct choice, information about the main consumer properties of services, the price in rubles and the conditions for the purchase of services, about the address (placed) and the trade name of the Contractor, about the rules for the provision of services, a specific person who will provide services, other obligatory information provided by the Law of the England.

    7. If the Customer does not agree with the terms of the Public offer as a whole, or its

      In separate parts, the Contractor urges such Customer to refrain from making the Acceptance, using the website and buying the Services, as these legal relations of the parties are fully governed by the provisions of the Public offer.

    8. In the event that the Customer is a person with limited legal capacity,

      The Contractor proceeds from the fact that the Acceptor is in his interests committed by his legal representative, who has fulfilled the above conditions and has sufficient rights and powers to act on his behalf and in his interests.

    9. The offer of the Agreement cannot be withdrawn by the Customer

      independently and is valid until the date of its withdrawal by the Contractor, subject to the actual availability and operability of the website, except for the cases provided for by the Agreement and the legislation of the England. The term of the Agreement is calculated from the date of the Acceptability and ends with the proper fulfillment of its obligations by the parties.


    1. In accordance with and on the terms provided for by the Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with services for the promotion (creation) of content in social networks, social user services, in order to attract the attention and (or) increase the number of users, subscribers, user ratings, likes, levels, classes and other key parameters of a particular service (hereinafter referred to as "Services"), and the Customer undertakes to pay for these Services.

    2. The object of the Services, the volume of Services, their cost, as well as other essential conditions of the Agreement are determined on the basis of information provided by the Customer when placing an Order for Services and are an integral part of the Agreement.

    3. The exact volume of Services, the required number of key promotion parameters, the type of social network and /or social service in which it is necessary to promote content is determined by the Customer independently, but only on the basis of the Service options proposed by the Contractor on the website.

    4. The Contractor provides the Services in accordance with the Contract and the issued Order for the Services. At the stage of provision of the Services, it is not allowed to change their method, volume or payment regime, since certain stages of the provision of Services are technological processes.

    5. The content of the parties understand the content posted by the Customer on the Internet (in the social network or social service) in the form of a file (picture, video, music, sound, graphic image, etc.), capable of reproducing with the help of a software and (or) other technical devices. The content also includes the customer’s account (account) created in that

      or other social network / social service, which includes content posted on it.

    6. The Contractur does not provide the Customer with content promotion services

      erotic, pornographic nature, as well as aimed at encouraging users of the Internet to acquire, consume, use, storage, trafficking in narcotic and (or) psychotropic substances, precursors, weapons, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, services of sorcerers, sorcerers, sorcerers, fortune-tellers, gambling, partner programs, as well as other means (means, products, products) whose turnover is prohibited.

    7. The Contractur has the right to refuse the Customer in the promotion of content and the provision of

      Services, if it considers that this content may violate the rights of others or is questionable, that is. created for profit by illegal means.

    8. The Contractor has the right to (provo) services to the Customer both personally and with

      attracting third parties (Partners) without obtaining additional customer approval for this.


    1. In order for the Customer to have the opportunity to issue an Order for the Services, a voluntary account registration is provided on the website. To do this, the Customer clicks on the "Registration" button and enters the requested (reliable) data in a special form of the registration window.

    2. After passing the procedure of voluntary registration for the Customer, a personal account is created.

    3. The Personal Account is a personal section of the Customer on a website where he can replenish his balance sheet, view the history of operations with the balance, see the status of his current orders and the history of orders made earlier, contact the support service, view or change personal information.

    4. The Customer’s subsequent access to the account is carried out by authorization, entering the login and password at the checkpoint of the special form of the pop-up window. In case of impossibility of authorization on the website, the Customer has the right to contact the Contractor in order to restore access to the account. The final decision on the restoration of access is made by the Contractor based on the reasons for the inability to make authorization.

    5. The customer is obliged to maintain registration and other data about himself in the current state. The Contracter is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the Customer at the time of registration on the website.

    6. In case of detection of unauthorized activity of third parties regarding the account or suspicion of its compromise, the Customer is obliged to notify the Contractant about this at the first opportunity.

    7. It is assumed that any actions performed by the Customer in the account using the login and password are made on behalf of and in the interests of the Customer, until proven otherwise, except in cases when the Customer notified the Contractor of unauthorized access to his account by third parties and such information was confirmed.

    8. The customer is responsible for the safety of access to its login and password, and is not entitled to transfer this data to third parties. The customer is obliged to ensure the confidentiality of the login and password, which is expressed in taking measures to properly protect them and comply with sufficient precautions.

    9. The Contractor has the right to refuse the Customer to register on the website without explaining the reasons or delete (lock, suspend the action) of his account in case of a material violation of the terms of the Agreement or in the event of a reasonable doubt on unauthorized access to the account.


    1. Ordering services is carried out by the Customer by placing an Order for the Services in the relevant section of the website. To purchase the Services, the Customer selects the Services, specifies the volume of Services, provides a link to an account (account) / content for which the Services must be provided, and clicks on the "Kip Now" button or other similar button.

    2. The range of Services presented on the website, the description, price and other conditions of the Services are valid at the time of their placement on the website and may subsequently be changed by the Contractor without prior notice to the Customer. The new terms of the Services come into force from the moment of their placement on the website.

    3. In the event that the Order for the Services has already been issued, but there has already been a change in the algorithms of the social network (social user service) in relation to this Service, the Contractor has the right to cancel such an order and return the funds to the Customer on its internal balance.

    4. It is prohibited to simultaneously issue Orders for the same type of Service in respect of the same link (account/content). Simultaneous execution of such Orders may lead to the fact that the Services will actually be provided incorrectly or not in full. In this case, the refund to the internal balance of the Customer is not made.

    5. Ordering the Services on the Website, the Customer should not simultaneously place orders of similar services in relation to the same link (account/content) in other services.

    6. Before placing an Order for the Service, the promoted account (content) must be open for public access. The customer is prohibited from closing public access to the account (content), changing URL links to account (content) in the process of providing the Services, and during the warranty period after the provision of the Service.

    7. The Customer's account, in respect of which the Services must have a registration period of more than 1 (one) month, have photos, filled in profile, from 50 and above live subscribers.

    8. By issuing an Order for Services, the Customer confirms that it is familiar with the algorithms of social networks and orders exactly the volume of Services that will not harm his account (content, group, community, channel, etc.) and will not entail sanctions of the social network. Services are provided by the Contractor in automatic mode, there is no technical ability to control this process, in this regard, the Customer needs to independently and correctly determine the amount of Services necessary for him to achieve the desired result.

    9. If the Services for increasing subscribers in any of the social networks The Customer must regularly update the content of the profile, group, public,

      Channels. This is necessary in order for the process of increasing subscribers to look natural, as adding new subscribers in the absence of new content can cause suspicion and such a page can be blocked.

    10. When providing services, a situation is possible when the Service is actually

      is the Customer in a larger volume (for example, when ordering 500 likes comes 2000 likes). This is due to the accrual of bonuses in case of a decrease in the activity (wroffice, unscreaming, etc.). d.), to initially guarantee the Customer the ordered amount of the Service.

    11. The Customer can monitor the status of his Orders for Services in

      the relevant section of the personal account. The following statuses of orders are possible:

      1. The order is executed automatically or manually sent to the server, it is already in the process of execution, or soon it will begin to perform it. If more than 24 hours have passed, and the order has not started to be executed, the Customer should contact the technical support of the website. Due to the heavy load on the server, there may be situations in which you need more time to run the Services than indicated in the description of the Service. If the Customer has met such a Service, in the future he is recommended to use another similar Service, which will be launched instantly.

      2. "Explet" - the order is made in full.

      3. "Irator" - incorrectly filled the form when placing an order, or a other mistake is made. If this status occurs, the Customer needs to contact the technical support of the website for additional information. Funds for such an order are automatically returned to the internal balance.

      4. "Abolized" - the order is canceled for one of the following reasons: a) incorrectly filled out the form when placing an order; b) this Service is not available for technical reasons. If this status occurs, the Customer needs to contact the technical support of the website for additional information. Funds for such an order are automatically returned to the internal balance.

      5. "At checking" - the order is processed manually by the manager,

        After its launch, the status will change to "Expered".

      6. "Executed in part" - the order is partially completed, the balance of funds returned to the internal balance. The customer must order this service from another similar base. On orders with the status of "Executed in part" it is impossible to restore the guarantee, even if any in the Service.

    12. In the process of fulfilling the Order for the Services and within 3 (three) calendar days after the assignment of the status "Executed" to the order, the Customer, in case of identifying deficiencies in the Services provided, must send the Contractor a requirement to eliminate deficiencies with the presentation of specific deficiencies. The requirement to eliminate deficiencies is sent by the Customer through the personal account.

    13. In case of receipt from the Customer of requirements for elimination of deficiencies in the Services provided, the Contractor eliminates these shortcomings within the period agreed by the parties, provided that such requirements do not go beyond the Order for the Service.

    14. If after 3 (three) calendar days from the date of assignment of the status "Exeved" from the Customer did not received any objections regarding the results of the Services rendered, the Services are considered to be provided

      Appre duly, and the Contracter is considered to have fulfilled his obligations to the Customer.

    15. If the description of the Service indicates that a guarantee is not provided for the Service,

      This means that in case of any adverse consequences for the Customer in the process or after the provision of such Service (slidmail, unscreuitment, etc.) The Contractors are not responsible for such consequences.

    16. If the description of the Service contains a guarantee (auto-warranty), it means that

      over the established warranty period, with a decrease in the twisted activity (writing likes, unscribing, etc.) more than 25% of the service, the Contractor undertakes to compensate for the removed activity. If the number of activity is less than at the time of order, even if the service with a guarantee, the recovery is not possible for technical reasons and the warranty does not apply to these cases.

    17. At objects with a large number of organic activity, can

      come a smaller amount of activity ordered due to the presence of complex algorithms of the system. Note. For example, immediately after the publication of the post, the Customer ordered 1000 likes. The start of the launch of likes 1 hour and the program immediately remembered the initial value at the time of the order, in this example, 0 likes are taken for ease of understanding. In 1 hour, the customer’s audience made 100 likes. After 1 hour, the program was launched and it will perform only the remaining 900 likes to obtain 1000 likes. The program does not distinguish where organic activity, and where artificial, the order is performed immediately when the desired end value of activity is achieved, which is the proper provision of services. If the Customer wants to receive the fulfillment of the Service in the initial volume, the Contractor recommends waiting for the completion of organic statistics, and then add an artificial one, in this case the program will remember the initial value after accruing organic activity.


    1. The Customer undertakes to pay the Contractor remuneration for the provision of full prepayment services in the amount of 100% (us) the price of services, the amount of which is published on the website. To be able to pay for the Services, the Customer must replenish the internal balance. The customer can spend the funds on the internal balance sheet only to pay for the Services.

    2. Replenishment of the internal balance is made by the Customer in the personal account by clicking on the "Complete" button and specifying the amount of replenishment, choosing the payment method, after which the Customer must follow the instructions of the payment system.

    3. Payment of remuneration and replenishment of the internal balance takes place in rubles of the England, using an electronic payment system connected to the website, by making a cashless payment by the Customer using a bank card.

    4. The contractor can establish other methods of payment of remuneration at his discretion, including through payment services, payment from the balance of the mobile phone, etc.

    5. Payment cards are accepted for payment: VISA, MasterCard, Maestro, WIzR. When paying for payment, payment is made on the authorization page of the bank, where the Customer needs to enter the data of his bank card in a special payment form (card number, card validity period, protective code

      (CVC2/CVV2), for the reliability of which the Customer is personally responsible. If the customer’s bank card is connected to the 3D-Secure service, he will be automatically forwarded to the bank that issued the card page in order to pass the authentication procedure in accordance with the rules and methods of identification of the issuing bank.

    6. If the payment data entered by the Customer is correct and

      valid, and the use of a bank card will be recognized as a payment system technically possible, there is a non-cash cancellation of funds from the customer's bank card.

    7. The Contractor has the right at any time unilaterally to change the prices

      to the Services presented on the website. At the same time, the price of the Service, which has already been ordered to be changed.

    8. The obligation of the Customer to pay the price of the Services is considered to be executed at the time of crediting of funds to the current account of the Contractor.

    9. The contractor does not control the hardware and software complex

      electronic payment system and is not responsible for errors in the payment processing. In case of refusal to accept payment, the absence of crediting of funds to the Contractor's current account, double withholding the amount due or other unforeseen situations, the obligation to return funds to the Customer lies with the electronic payment system and financial institution, with the full assistance of the Contractor within the framework of the opportunities available to him.

    10. The Contractur strongly recommends that the Customer pay the Order

      Services use your own bank card in accordance with the regulation of the Central Bank of the England No. 266-P of 24.12.2004 "On the issue of bank cards and transactions made using payment cards". In the event that the payment of the remuneration is carried out by a third party, in order to avoid disputes, it must indicate in the purpose of payment the name of the person in whose interests the payment is paid, or the Customer himself undertakes to inform the Contractor in any available way about the payment in his interests in his interests.

    11. The contractor has the right to provide for the Customer discounts, bonuses,

      promotional offers and other preferential terms of purchase of Services. These conditions can be provided for: a special action, referral program (code or link), receipt of a promo code, other cases at the discretion of the Contractile.

    12. Preferrual conditions for the purchase of Services give the Customer the opportunity to receive

      an additional percentage of the amount by which the internal balance is replenished, as well as other opportunities, the accrual of which is displayed in the history of operations on the internal balance by a separate wiring.

    13. Proposals under preferential terms of purchase of Services are limited

      established terms, as the Customer is informed through a website or well-known means of communication.


    1. Any Customer can become a participant in the affiliate program, the referral of which a new Customer (referral) has registered on the website.

    2. The participant of the partner program receives a reward of 7 (seven) % of the amount of replenishment of the balance by each transfer attracted by him.

      Reward is charged to the Customer’s special partner account in the personal account.

    3. Funds acceding to the partner account can be transferred

      The customer on his balance sheet or withdraws from the system on the Qiwi-wallet specified by the Customer. All submitted applications for withdrawals are processed by the Contractor within 1 to 5 working days. To monitor the status of the execution of the application, the Customer can in the section "History of payments" of his personal account.

    4. In the personal account of the Customer available statistics on attracted

      referes and amounts of partner rewards.

    5. It is forbidden to attract referrals with the help of postal spam, spam in social networks, forums and other types of spam, building referral connections and registering more than one account with the same Customer in order to receive an affiliate reward. If the fact of registration by one Customer of more than one account is revealed, all accounts of the Customer will be blocked without the possibility of returning funds from the internal balance of such accounts.



    1. The Customer has the right to refuse to perform the Agreement at any time, subject to payment to the Contractors actually rendered at the time of the refusal of services, as well as the costs incurred by him, by which the parties understand the costs associated with the replenishment of the internal balance and payment of the services of Partners.

    2. The customer has no right to demand a refund of what the Contractor has already been executed under the Agreement until the moment of change or termination of the Agreement. 4 st. 453 of the Civil Code of the England).

    3. The Customer has the right to refuse the Services and to return the amount of remuneration paid in full until the provision of services determined in the Agreement.

    4. After the internal balance was replenished by the Customer, the return withdrawal of funds is carried out only in cases: improper provision of Services, the inability to provide the Services, by the decision of the Contractor in exceptional (respective) cases.

    5. In case of refusal of the Customer from the execution of the Agreement, such a refusal is made on a separate application, issued in writing or in the form of an electronic document. The application for refusal to perform the Agreement must contain the applicant’s data in the amount sufficient to identify him, specific requirements, other information on the essence of the appeal.

    6. The Contractor considers the Customer’s application for a unilateral refusal to execute the Agreement within a period of not more than 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of receipt and takes one of the following decisions: 1) to satisfy the requirements and to carry out a refund of the amount of remuneration in whole or in part; 2) refuse to satisfy the requirements and to justify the reasons for his refusal.

    7. In case of satisfaction of the Customer, the Contractor makes a full or partial refund of the cost of services (depending on the decision taken) to the bank card from which the payment was paid no later than 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of receipt of the application from the Customer.

    8. The return period does not include the operating time of the bank or electronic payment system, which is actually necessary for the return operation.


    1. The parties bear civil liability for non-performance or improper performance of the obligations assumed under the Agreement, as well as other types of liability in accordance with the legislation of the England, depending on the type and degree of violation of a certain act (inaction).

    2. A public offer is not a recommendation or appeal of the Contracter to action.

    3. The Contracts is not responsible for the full provision of the Services and any

      other adverse consequences for the Customer in the case of a parallel order of services in other services in violation of p. 4.5. Contracts.

    4. The customer is fully responsible for providing the wrong

      information that entailed the impossibility of proper fulfillment of its obligations by the Contraction to him.

    5. In case of violation by the Customer of the requirements of p. 4.6. Contracts of services can

      be rendered incorrectly for technical reasons, due to the Customer's non-fulfillment of counter obligations under the Contract. At the same time, the funds to the Customer for the Services are not refundable, and the Services are considered to be provided properly, provided, if they were actually provided in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

    6. If the Customer does not comply with the conditions of p. 4.7. Contract, the Contraction is not

      is liable to him for blocking the account in the process or after the provision of the Services.

    7. The Contractant is not responsible for poorly placed

      links, and guarantees only their placed number. The promotion of the site by links carries the risks of its entry into the filter, therefore, the Contractor is not responsible for these actions, and the Customer is obliged to independently control the safe number of links placed depending on the characteristics of the domain (age and other parameters).

    8. In case of detection in the actions of the Customer of signs of fraud, such

      as an unauthorized use of other people's bank cards, e-wallets, etc., the Contractor has the right to block the account of this Customer forever without refunding the deposited funds.

    9. When funds appear on the internal balance that were not made

      The customer, the latter is obliged to immediately inform about this in the technical support of the website. If the Customer begins to spend these funds that were accrued to him as a result of a failure or error, the Contractors have the right to cancel all his orders and reset the Customer's balance.

    10. The Contraction is not responsible for the results and consequences

      the Customer's use of the social network used, social user service, for their improper functioning, for the operability of the equipment and software of the Customer himself.

    11. Legal relations between the Customer and the right holder (owner)

      the social network, the social user service used by him, are governed exclusively by those legal documents that are published on the relevant websites of these Internet resources on which they are located and functioning.

    12. The customer agrees that he uses the selected for promotion

      social networks (social user services) at your own risk, takes responsibility for the results of their application in practice, and

      Also for all the negative consequences that can occur in connection with their use.


    1. The parties are exempted from liability for full or partial non-fulfillment of the obligations assumed under the Treaty if such a violation was the result of force majeure, namely: fire, flood, earthquake, strike, war, prohibitive actions of public authorities, foreign states, international sanctions or other circumstances arising after the conclusion of the Treaty.

    2. A party that cannot fulfill its obligations under the Treaty in connection with force-of-force force is obliged to inform the other party in a timely manner, but not later than 24 hours after the occurrence of these circumstances, with the submission of documents confirming these circumstances. If the force majeure lasts more than 48 hours, any party may initiate the termination of the Contract.


    1. The website posted on it content (audio-inductives, text information, graphic images (lotists, photographs, drawings) belong to the Contractor and (or) the manufacturer of goods (services). As part of the interaction of the parties under the Agreement, the alienation of the exclusive right to the results of intellectual activity does not happen.

    2. The customer is prohibited from:

      • to provide the website with inespdent data about yourself or personal data and other confidential information of third parties without their consent, issued in accordance with the procedure established by law;

      • transfer the rights to access the personal account for use to third parties, including through the sale, lease, ru kenay or free use, without the written consent of the Contractor;

      • to be a person or to provide unreliable

        (feftal) documents;

      • use any results of the intellectual activity of the Contraction without a written contract (consent);

      • take actions of a programme and technical nature that may

        are considered as obviously disrupting the normal operation and functioning of the website;

      • use any devices, programs, procedures, algorithms and methods,

        automatic devices or equivalent manual processes for accessing, purchasing, copying or tracking the content of the website;

      • bypass the navigation structure of the website or otherwise

        provide unauthorized access to its functions in order to obtain information, documents, materials or access to closed sections of the website that are not lawfully accessible to the Customer;

      • Violation of the security or authentication system on the website;

      • perform reverse search, track information about another Customer of the website;

      • violate the information security of the website, including the package unloading (parsing) of data, imitation and (or) forgery of any TCP/IP package header, or any part of the header in an email, or posted on the

        website material, reverse design, modification, modification, creation of derivative works, decompilation or extraction of code, sending, storage or transmission of viruses, or other computer code, access, use, copying, adaptation, modification, performance of work, distribution, transmission, display, display, execution, execution or other use of the website in an unacceptable and unauthorized way, or in a way that creates a load on the website;

      • use the website and its content in prohibited by law

      The England in a manner not provided for by the Treaty and also to inshomous to such actions of third parties.

    3. In case of violation by the Customer of any of the provisions of this Section

      The Contractor reserves the right to impose restrictive measures against such Customer and to suspend its access to the website temporarily or permanently.


    1. In the event of a dispute under the Treaty, the parties confirm their commitment and the desire to resolve such a dispute in an extrajudicial ( pre-trial) manner. If the parties do not reached an agreement on the settlement of the dispute in an extrajudicial (court) manner, such a dispute shall be referred to the courtesy of the Performing ass office, which is an agreement of the parties to determine the jurisdiction of the dispute.

    2. The Party that has received the claim shall be obliged to consider it on the merits and

      provide a reasoned response to the claim within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim. Based on the results of the consideration of the claim, the party makes one of the following decisions: 1) to satisfy the requirements of the other party and to provide the actual execution (emantic) of the violation; 2) refuse to satisfy the requirements of the other party with the justification of its decision.


    1. The Contractor has the right to unilaterally make changes or additions to the Public offer by making changes to the current version or by approving a new edition of the Public offer.

    2. The Contractors are obliged to notify the Customer of amendments or approval of the new edition of the Public offer on the day of their entry into force, by publishing the specified changes on the website or sending a notification through a known means of communication.

    3. The new edition of the Public offer applies to all Customers, including those who have made an Acceptence earlier than the date of entry into force of these changes. At the same time, the parties understand and agree that these changes apply to them exclusively in the part of the legal relations that will arise after their entry into force.

    4. If the Customer continues to perform counteracts after making changes to the Public offer, it is implied that such counteractions express his full and unconditional agreement with the Public offer in the new edition, on the basis of his earlier acceptance.

    5. The contract may be terminated on the following grounds:

      1. by agreement of the parties.

      2. At the initiative of the Customer in a unilateral (extud) order.

      3. At the initiative of the Contractor in a unilateral (extory) manner in case of a significant violation by the Customer of the terms of the Agreement, as well as in other cases provided for by the current legislation of the England.

    6. At the request of one of the parties, the Agreement can be changed or terminated by a court decision only: 1) in case of a material violation of the Agreement by the other party; 2) in other cases provided for by the Civil Code of the England or other laws. Significant violation is recognized, which entails such damage to the other party that it is largely deprived of what it expected at the conclusion of the Agreement.


    1. The exchange of legally significant messages related to the occurrence, change or termination of obligations based on the Agreement may be carried out by the parties by means of e-mail, messengers, custom mail or courier delivery, using only those details that are indicated by the Contractors in the Public offer and transferred by the Customer in the process of interaction of the parties.

    2. Documents sent by the parties to each other using the e-mail or messenger are recognized as electronic documents signed by a simple electronic signature, equivalent to a paper document signed by the parties and valid. The key to a simple electronic signature is the password, and the key to verifying a simple electronic signature is the login to the specified means of communication.

    3. The sending of electronic documents involves their preliminary documentation on paper with all mandatory details, translated into an electronic form using scanning. The text (body) of the electronic message is also recognized by the parties to an electronic document.

    4. The day of receipt by the addressee of documents and other legally significant messages is the day of their sending (electronic document circulation), the day of receipt of departure to the place of issue (written document circulation).

    5. The parties undertake to maintain the confidentiality of access to these means of communication and immediately notify each other of all cases of its compromise, as well as the inability to open or view the shipments. In the absence of such notification, the sent documents and legally significant communications are recognized as appropriate.


    1. The public offer contains the full scope of arrangements between the parties in respect of the subject matter, date, price and other essential terms of the Agreement, which nullilate and invalidate all other obligations or representations that may have been accepted or made by the parties orally or in writing before the acceptance.

    2. After the Acceptence, all previous oral or written agreements between the parties are recognized as invalid, and the parties are governed exclusively by the terms of the Treaty. In all other things that are not provided for by the Treaty, the parties are guided by the legislation of the England, and in the absence of a rule of law regulating the existing legal relations, the established customs of business turnover.

    3. The Parties recognize that if any of the separate provisions of the Treaty becomes nustive during its validity period, as a result of the amendment of the law or on the basis of a court decision, the remaining provisions of the Treaty are binding on the parties during the term of the Agreement.

    4. In the event of a change in any of the props by the parties, the initiating change the party is obliged to immediately, but not later than 5 (five) working days from the date of the changes, to notify the other party. At the same time, the parties agree that notifications and payments made to old addresses or details before notification of their change are considered due and appropriate execution.

    5. The public offer is compiled in England, in accordance with

      the legislation of the England, published on the website in free access, its original copy is stored at the location of the Contractor.